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Configure Consul in a Cluster

The Consul processes of all PLOSSYS 5 servers in a cluster have to be connected for cross-server service discovery and system configuration. If one PLOSSYS 5 server fails, the entire system remains functional.

Backup the Configuration

If you expand an already existent PLOSSYS 5 single server to a cluster, first export the configuration of PLOSSYS 5.

Perform the following configuration step on <server_1>:

plossys config export <plossys_5_backup>.yml

Hint - more options

For more information about the export via PLOSSYS CLI, refer to Administrate the System Configuration.

Adjust the Consul Services

Perform the following configuration steps on <server_1>, <server_2> and <server_3>:

  1. Stop PLOSSYS 5

  2. Open the Consul configuration file:

  3. Delete the following line:

    "bind_addr": "",

    Hint - multiple network interfaces

    If a server has several network interfaces with private IP addresses, do not delete the complete line but replace with the appropriate IP address.

  4. Search for the following line:

    "bootstrap_expect": 1,

    and replace it by the following line:

    "bootstrap_expect": 3,
  5. Add the following line at any position:

    "retry_join": ["<server_1>", "<server_2>", "<server_3>"]

    Caution - JSON structure

    Pay attention to keep the JSON structure in the configuration file! For further information, refer to

  6. Save the file.

  7. Delete the contents of the following directory:

    sudo rm -r /opt/seal/data/seal-consul-agent/raft
  8. Start PLOSSYS 5.

Import the Backup of the Configuration

After the configuration has been changed on all PLOSSYS 5 servers, Consul runs in the cluster mode. Now, the backup of the configuration can be imported.

Hint - only one server

The configuration has to be imported on one PLOSSYS 5 server only due to the configuration is automatically update on all PLOSSYS 5 servers belonging to a cluster.

Perform the following configuration step on <server_1>:

plossys config import <plossys_5_backup>.yml

Hint - more options

For more information about the import via PLOSSYS CLI, refer to Administrate the System Configuration.

Next Step

Continue with: Configure MongoDB in a Cluster

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