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Configure the Logging in a Cluster

All PLOSSYS 5 servers in a cluster have to transfer their log data to the same Elasticsearch server.

Perform the following configuration steps on <server_1>, <server_2> and <server_3>:

  1. Open the Filebeat configuration file:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\filebeat.yml
  2. Enter the address of the management server in order to configure the transfer to Elasticsearch:

    Search for the following line in the output section:

    hosts: ["<admin_server>:5044"]

    and replace <admin_server> by the domain name or IP address of the management server.

    Hint - syntax

    Do not delete the square brackets [ and ]!

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the following service:

    • seal-filebeat

Next Step

Continue with: Configure Consul in a Cluster

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