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Configure Elastic Stack

For an overview of Elastic Stack and its components used with PLOSSYS 5, refer to Elastic Stack

In Elasticsearch, an index is used for log messages of PLOSSYS 5 and another index is used for the statistics messages of PLOSSYS 5.

Configure the Housekeeping of the Messages (Index Lifecycle Management, ILM)

For the messages, you can configure the housekeeping in Elasticsearch via the Kibana user interface (Index Lifecycle Management). Previously, Elasticsearch Curator has been used for the housekeeping of the messages in Elasticsearch. This is no longer required.

  1. Stop the seal-filebeat services on all PLOSSYS 5 servers (if already installed) so that no new messages will be sent to Elasticsearch:

    plossys service stop seal-filebeat
  2. Open the Kibana user interface:

  3. Delete the old indices due to these were created by seal-filebeat by default:

    Delete Indices

  4. Create index lifecycle policies for both indices (seal-plossys-5-log and seal-plossys-5-statistics) and specify the following settings:

    Create Policy 1

    • In the Name section, specify Policy name. Although the policy name is arbitrary, we recommend using the same name as for the index (seal-plossys-5-log).

    • In the Hot phase section, specify Maximum index size. We recommend 10 GB.

    Create Policy 2

    • Switch on Activate delete phase, and then specify Timing for delete phase in the activated section. We recommend 7 days.

    Create Policy 3

    Repeat the steps for seal-plossys-5-statistics correspondingly.

  5. Create index templates for both indices and specify the following settings:

    Create Template 1

    • In the Logistics tab, specify Name. We recommend using the same name as for the index (seal-plossys-5-log).

    • In Index patterns, specify the name of the index followed by -* (seal-plossys-5-log-*).

    Create Template 2

    • In the Index settings tab, enter the following JSON object:

        "index": {
          "lifecycle": {
            "name": "seal-plossys-5-log",
            "rollover_alias": "seal-plossys-5-log"

    Create Template 3

    • In the Mappings tab, nothing has to be specified:

    Create Template 4

    • In the Aliases tab, nothing has to be specified:

    Create Template 5

    • Click Create template.

    Create Template 6

    Repeat the steps for seal-plossys-5-statistics correspondingly.

  6. Create write aliases for both indices:

    • In the Console tab, enter the following code in the left column and click the arrow button afterwards:

      PUT seal-plossys-5-log-000001
        "aliases": {
          "seal-plossys-5-log": {
            "is_write_index": true

    Create Write Alias

    Repeat the step for seal-plossys-5-statistics correspondingly.

  7. Check the list of indices. The Index Management list contains the indices for seal-plossys-5-log and seal-plossys-5-statistics now:

    Index Management

  8. Start the seal-filebeat services on all PLOSSYS 5 servers (if already installed):

    plossys service start seal-filebeat

Indices Used in Elasicsearch for PLOSSYS 5

The indices used in Elasticsearch for the log and statistics messages of PLOSSYS 5 are specified in the following keys in the PLOSSYS 5 system:

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